The goal with the autonomous navigation is to make the robot approach the target and stop at some pre-defined distance from it. The target consists of two boxes colored in a distinct color (in our case - green). The adopted method of achieving this in autonomous mode consists of:
The navigation by camera is implemented in two files: which implements routines for manual and autonomous drive and which implements navigation by the camera.
The file contains the routine to navigate using a keyboard and a function to start the autonomous mode by pressing the 'a' key.
The autonomous function consists of two parts:
Below is the snipped of this function.
// // Autonomous navigation // void autonomous(gazebo::transport::PublisherPtr robot) { std::cout << "START Autonomous\n\r"; // Go blindly to position: velocity = BLIND_SPEED; angle = 0.0; Time::start(BLIND_TIME); drive(robot); while (!Time::timeout()) { Time::pause(); } stop(robot); // // Navigate by camera // static int max_attempts = 100; extern bool reached_target, camera_off; Time::start(VISUAL_TIME); while (!reached_target && !Time::timeout()) { int attempts = 0; camera_off = false; for (; camera_off == false && attempts<max_attempts; attempts++) { // It is assumed that the global variable // 'camera_off' is updated in the callback // function 'navigate(...)' Time::pause(); } if (attempts == max_attempts) { std::cout << "Camera failed after "<<attempts<<" attempts!\n\r"; break; } camera_off = true; std::cout << "Time left: "<<Time::time_left()<<"\r"; drive(robot); } stop(robot); //TODO: Here you do gear deposition //... std::cout << "\n\rEND Autonomous\n\r"; }
The drive function called by the above code sends two variables to the robot simulator: velocity and angle. These are global variables defined in and continuously updated by the navigate function described below.
File implements the navigation by camera function, navigate, which is a callback function called every time the camera sends an image. The function consists of three parts:
The adjustable parameters are
Below is a code snippet from file showing the navigate function.
extern double velocity, angle; bool camera_off = true, reached_target = false; //----------------------------- namespace cv { // // Navigate by camera // void navigate(ConstImageStampedPtr &_img) { if (camera_off) return; static int half_nbuf = 4, //2*nbuf = number of pixels for averaging nbuf = 2*half_nbuf; // // Acquire the image // int width = _img->image().width(), height = _img->image().height(), size = _img->image().data().length(), desired_target_position = width/2, // middle of the screen desired_target_size = DESIRED_TARGET_IMAGE_SIZE, // in pixels min_offset = nbuf, min_size_mismatch = half_nbuf, xmin = nbuf, xmax = width - nbuf, ymin = 0.2 * height, ymax = 0.8 * height; char *img = new char[size + 1]; memcpy(img, _img->image().data().c_str(), size); Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, img); // // Analyze the image and navigate to the target // static float turning_angle = 8.0; // degrees int m1 = 0, x1a = 0, // average x-coordinates of object 1 m2 = 0, x2a = 0; // average x-coordinates of object 2 // // Read image by pixels // for (int y=ymin; y<ymax; y++) { int n1 = 0, x1 = -1, n2 = 0, x2 = -1, state = 0; // 0 - before object 1 // 1 - in object 1 // 2 - after object 1 // 3 - in object 2 // 4 - after object 2 for (int x=xmin; x<xmax; x++) { float ColorIntensity[] = {0,0,0}; // [0] = red, [1] = green, [2] = blue // To provide resistance from random noise // apply a filter by simple averaging of color // intensity over a pixel strip of length 'nbuf' for (int i=x-half_nbuf; i<x+half_nbuf; i++) { Vec3b intensity =<Vec3b>(y, i); for (int j=0; j<3; j++) ColorIntensity[2-j] += (float)intensity.val[j]; } // Compute the relative intensity of the target color // this avoid the effects of variable lighting and shades float target_light_intensity = 0.0; for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { float normalized_intensity = ColorIntensity[j]/nbuf; target_light_intensity += normalized_intensity; ColorIntensity[j] = normalized_intensity; } float target_color_contrast // relative color intensity = ColorIntensity[TARGET_COLOR] / target_light_intensity; if (target_color_contrast > TARGET_COLOR_CONTRAST) { // // Determine if both objects are in full view // i.e. state==4 -> both objects are in full view switch (state) { case 0: // first time we saw this color during x-scan x1 = x; n1 = 1; state = 1; break; case 1: // we are inside object 1 x1 += x; n1++; break; case 2: // we are past object 1 x2 = x; n2 = 1; state = 3; break; case 3: // inside object 2 x2 += x; n2++; break; case 4: // past object 2 std::cerr<<"More than two objects found!\n\r"; break; default: std::cerr<<"Wrong scan state on green RGB(" <<ColorIntensity[2]<<',' <<ColorIntensity[1]<<',' <<ColorIntensity[0]<<"): "<<state<<"\n\r"; } } else { switch (state) { // current pixel color is not the target color case 1: // inside obj 1 state = 2; break; case 3: // inside obj 2 state = 4; break; default: if (state > 4) { std::cerr<<"Wrong scan state on RGB(" <<ColorIntensity[2]<<',' <<ColorIntensity[1]<<',' <<ColorIntensity[0]<<"): "<<state<<"\n\r"; } } } }//endfor x // // Compute average x-locations // for the two objects // if (state == 4) {// both objects are visible // comute the average positions and number of hits if (n1 > 0) { x1a += (int) ((float)x1 / (float) n1); m1++; // number of hits over all y-scans } if (n2 > 0) { x2a += (int) ((float)x2 / (float) n2); m2++; } } }//endofr y if (m1 > 0 && m2 > 0) { // target acquired // // Navigate toward the target // x1a /= m1; // this completes the averaging x2a /= m2; int target_position = 0.5*(x1a + x2a), // center of both ojbects target_size = fabs((double)x1a - (double)x2a), target_offset = desired_target_position - target_position, size_mismatch = desired_target_size - target_size; // // Check if the observed center is in alignment with the // desired position in camera view // if (fabs(target_offset) > min_offset) { // turn toward the target: angle = sign(target_offset) * turning_angle; velocity = 0.0; } else { // the target is straight on - // make a step toward the target angle = 0.0; if (fabs(size_mismatch) > min_size_mismatch) { velocity = sign(size_mismatch) * VISUAL_SPEED; } else { // we are at the target - stop here. std::cout << "\n\rTarget Reached!\n\r";std::cout.flush(); reached_target = true; angle = 0.0; velocity = 0.0; } } } else {// target is not on the image: keep turning angle = turning_angle; velocity = 0.0; } delete img; camera_off = true; } } // end namespace cv
There are several adjustable constants used in the code defined in robot.h file.